
Monday, October 24, 2011

Whitney Wedding | Houston Wedding Photographer

Amidst the drought Texans have faced this year, the green grass that covered The Brookwood Community was as miraculous as the depth of Sheridan and Wes' love for each other. From the gorgeous chapel in which they shared their wedding vows to the green house surrounded reception hall, this wedding venue was fit for royalty.

With great expectation and overwhelming peace Sheridan greeted me on her wedding day. Certainly excited about her big day, but much more excited about a lifetime with her best friend, this bride grinned at everything that fall evening.

I've known Wes for awhile, and until I spent time with his beautiful bride and her family I didn't think it was possible that anyone loved people as well as he does. Anyone that's met this couple knows how it feels to be appreciated, known and loved well. These two are a fabulous example of the purpose of marriage described in the scriptures. Not only do they love one another like Christ and the Church, but they will teach the world by the way they love others how Jesus loves us.

Friends, being a part of your wedding day was a treasure to me. Thank you so much for your hospitality and the loving welcome into your family.


What a gracious groom to allow his wedding day to be on an Aggie game day (eye roll!). This group of men surrounded the closest screen they could find until they walked down the aisle.

Did I mention they're BEAUTIFUL?!

The dance party at this reception rivaled a scene from Footloose. It's ok if looking at these photos makes you wish you were there.


  1. I am smiling, laughing, crying, all at the same time ... best night ever !!! Thank you guys so much for bringing it all back to life. Here's to Mr and Mrs Whitney ... Happily Ever After !!!

  2. Gorgeous couple and gorgeous wedding! Congrats to you both! Looks like such a fun time!! :)

  3. Absolutely GORGEOUS!!! You guys are such a great looking couple! Best wishes!

  4. I love everything about this wedding! Gorgeous dress, gorgeous flowers, gorgeous couple! The pictures are great!

  5. I can confirm that this wedding was epic amounts of great and fun. Great pics Jess!

  6. I so wish I could have been there and LOVED looking through these pictures. You guys are so fun! May God pour out His many blessings on your marriage!

  7. My Jess! These look AMAZING!!!! You did a fabulous and Wes and Sheridan...CONGRATS!!!! Wes, I am so so glad that you found such an amazing bride to chase after your entire life! Love to you both!!!
    Love, One of your spiritual mothers!!

  8. Congratulations to both of you... beautiful pictures.

  9. Such a beautiful wedding. Looks like a lot of fun. The ladies look amazing.

  10. Ahh such a beautiful couple!! What a special event to get to take pictures of.

  11. i am sheridans younger cousin, i thought it was the most beautiful thing i had ever seen. i love both sheridan and wes, and i was so happy after the wedding that i actually started to cry. i am so happy for them!!

  12. jess! these look so amazing!! i'm in love with your photography. it's crisp, beautiful, and captivating. i love your style.

    AND i'm stinkin' in love with this bride and her glam. her dress is so beyond gorgeous! this looks like such a fun wedding!

    hope your good girl! stop by sometime if you are ever in these parts:).

    Lynsey Kramer
