
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Charlie Preston | Austin Newborn Photographer

They've been married since college, and its evident that Liz and Daniel are still so in love. They've got a rhythm. They take care of each other well. So when it was time to welcome their first kiddo into the mix they were so excited to add to their comfortable little family.

Enter their precious son Charlie. This little one is a tiny bundle of sweet. His itty-bitty nose and gentle blue eyes melt his mommy and daddy like butter (as well they should). Hearing the coos of this little guy made shooting this family an incredible treat.

To add to the mix, we even got to know Charlie's grandma, who was still in town caring for her first grandbaby on his mere 12th day of life.

Pure Joy!

I love!

Liz and Daniel, thank you for inviting us into your home!


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